2023-2024山东省青岛局属、青西、胶州等地高二上学期期中大联考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the man do in the park
A. Ride a bike. B. Play with his dog. C. Have a picnic.
2. How often did the man contact his friends
A. Every day. B. Four times a month. C. Once a month.
3. What makes the woman anxious
A. The part-time job. B. The difficult exam. C. The heavy homework.
4. What does the woman want the man to do
A. Do some warm-up exercises.
B. Play an actual game with her.
C. Go to the park alone.
5. What is the conversation mainly about
A. Housework. B. Free time activities. C. Responsibilities.
6. What is the man’s plan for the vacation
A. Going to the seaside. B. Doing some housework. C. Reading at home.
7. How does the woman feel about the man’s plan
A. Disappointed. B. Interested. C. Envious.
8. What is the man dissatisfied with about the woman’s dress
A. Its style. B. Its size. C. Its material.
9. Who will the woman turn to for help
A. A fashion designer. B. A shop assistant. C. Her friend’s mother.
10. What does the man do
A. He’s a repairman. B. He’s a cycling coach. C. He’s a salesman.
11. Where did the woman’s father use to ride
A. In forests. B. Along the highways. C. Around the neighborhood.
12. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Buy a new bike. B. Get thicker tires. C. Have stronger brakes.
13. How does the woman sound in the end
A. Happy. B. Worried. C. Hesitant.
14. Where are probably the speakers
A. At home. B. In a shop. C. At a train station.
15. How is the weather now
A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
16. What is the man unable to do
A. Collect an order. B. Pick up his parents. C. Check the weather.
17. What is the woman likely to do next
A. Play with the kids. B. Do some cleaning. C. Go to bed.
18. Who is Brian Dong raising Cooper for
A. A blind man. B. A deaf man. C. A man with emotional problems.
19. What does it mean when a dog wears a blue jacket
A. It is still in training.
B. It is with a disabled person.
C. It is owned by the police.
20. Where will the training courses for volunteers be held
A. At the community center. B. At the university. C. At the fire department.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Learn about programs, events and much more for students of your age to get opportunities.
Youth and Non-Violent Direct Action
Time: October 18 and November 1,2023
Contact: Robert Croonquist
This interactive workshop for school groups will teach how to appeal to the government for change and how to create safe, non-violent direct action. Students will meet in small groups to discuss issues that are important to them. The fee to participate is $5 per student.
Attend a FREE Architecture and Design College Fair
Time: October 28,2023
Contact: Mary Lib Schmidt
High school students are invited to learn more about applying to architecture school. Representatives from over 30 colleges, universities, and design programs will meet with students and answer questions. The event will be held from 11am-3pm.
Seeds of Knowledge: Teen Tour and Natural Bath Bomb Making Workshop
Time: October 26,2023
Contact: Nicole Leist
Participants will look at 15th- to-17th-century printed herbals on display and learn how modern practitioners (医师) create beneficial natural products today. Teens will create bath bombs using all organic materials. This program is intended only for teens aged 13 to 18. FREE with advance registration.
FREE Saturday Leadership Program for Hispanic Youth
Time: November 2023 through March 2024
Contact: Lisa Pineda
It is a FREE Saturday program serving 100 students. It offers various leadership opportunities and resources with the goal of affirming students in cultural pride and increasing the Hispanic voice in government, community, and institutional spaces. Seats are limited.
1. What can you learn about Youth and Non-Violent Direct Action
A. It lasts a fortnight. B. It is free of charge.
C. It is organized by the government. D. It teaches legal ways to communicate.
2. If you want to learn how to make a natural product who should you contact
A. Robert Croonquist. B. Mary Lib Schmidt. C. Nicole Leist. D. Lisa Pineda.
3. Which activity limits the number of participants
A. Youth and Non-Violent Direct Action.
B. Attend a FREE Architecture and Design College Fair.
C. Seeds of Knowledge: Teen Tour and Natural Bath Bomb Making Workshop.
D FREE Saturday Leadership Program for Hispanic Youth.
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. D
细节理解题。根据Youth and Non-Violent Direct Action部分中的“This interactive workshop for school groups will teach how to appeal to the government for change and how to create safe, non-violent direct action. (这个学校团体互动讲习班将教授如何呼吁政府作出改变,以及如何建立安全、非暴力的直接行动。)”可知,青少年和非暴力直接行动(Youth and Non-Violent Direct Action)教授合法的沟通方式。故选D。
细节理解题。根据Seeds of Knowledge: Teen Tour and Natural Bath Bomb Making Workshop下的“Participants will look at 15th- to-17th-century printed herbals on display and learn how modern practitioners (医师) create beneficial natural products today.(与会者将观看展出的15至17世纪的印刷草药,并了解现代医生如何创造有益的天然产品。)”和“Contact: Nicole Leist(联系人:Nicole Leist)”可知,如果你想学习如何制作天然产品,你应该联系Nicole Leist,故选C。
细节理解题。根据FREE Saturday Leadership Program for Hispanic Youth部分中的“It is a FREE Saturday program serving 100 students...Seats are limited(这是一个免费的周六活动,为100名学生提供服务……座位有限)”可知,FREE Saturday Leadership Program for Hispanic Youth这个活动限制参与人数,故选D。
It is a bright cold day in April and Paul Blachut is busy as usual. From behind the bar of a restaurant, he has a good view of the river. He can see that, along the shore, many visitors are cooling their feet in the river.
Among those are a mother and her two teenage daughters. They’re standing on the edge of the riverbank, playing with an inflatable (充气的) tube when, suddenly, the girls lose their footing and are caught in the river’s current. It all happens so fast. The girls desperately grab on to the tube, which their mother is sitting in, dragging her into the river, too. Now all three are being carried away by the fast current.
A bystander races to the restaurant and shouted for help. Despite having no lifesaving training, Blachut rushes to the riverbank, quickly pulling off his T-shirt. Then he jumps into the river. He doesn’t care about the cold; all he can think about is saving the women.
As Blachut gets closer to them, he can tell that the mother seems to be in the most trouble; her head is now submerged. He recalls how a lifeguard saves people in a movie so he tries this, but in vain. Without hesitation, Blachut dives under the drowning woman, pushing her upward and using that momentum (冲力) to push her toward the shore. Then he dives into the current again, swims quickly downstream and manages to get hold of one of the teenagers, and get her out in the same way he did her mother. He is out of strength and luckily, the girl’s sister is helped out by someone else.
Several onlookers express their admiration for Blachut following the incident, but he is modest about his role. “The whole rescue only took two or three minutes” he says today, adding that he is happy to have received high praise from his boss for his courage. Indeed, it was a job very well done.
4. What might Blachut be
A. A visitor. B. A waiter. C. The boss. D. A lifeguard.
5. What happens to the mother of two teenagers
A. She loses her footing while playing. B. She is dragged into the river by accident.
C. She jumps into the river to save her daughters. D. She loses control of the tube and flows with it.
6. What is the key factor in this successful rescue
A. Blachut’s rich lifesaving experience. B. The method Blachut recalls in a movie.
C. The slow speed of the river current. D. Blachut’s ability to make quick decisions.
7. In which section of a newspaper may the text appear
A. Health. B. Travel. C. Inspiration. D. Entertainment.
【答案】4. B 5. B 6. D 7. C
【导语】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位母亲和两个女孩意外落水,在岸边一家餐厅工作的服务员Paul Blachut看到这种情况后,迅速做出决定,冲到河边救下了她们。
推理判断题。根据第一段中“It is a bright cold day in April and Paul Blachut is busy as usual. From behind the bar of arestaurant, he has a good view of the river. (这是一个明亮寒冷的四月的一天,保罗布拉舒特像往常一样忙碌。从餐馆的吧台后面,他可以看到河的美景。)”和最后一段中“ “The whole rescue only took two or three minutes” he says today, adding that he is happy to have received high praise from his boss for his courage. (“整个营救只花了两三分钟,”他今天说,并补充说,他很高兴得到了老板对他勇气的高度赞扬。)”,结合选项可知,Blachut是一名饭店服务员,故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“The girls desperately grab on to the tube, which their mother is sitting in, dragging her into the river, too. (女孩们拼命地抓住管子,她们的妈妈正坐在里面,把她也拖进了河里。 )”可知,这两个女孩的妈妈不小心被拖进了河里。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Despite having no lifesaving training, Blachut rushes to the riverbank, quickly pulling off his T-shirt. Then he jumps into the river. He doesn’t care about the cold; all he can think about is saving the women. (尽管没有受过任何救生训练,布拉丘特还是冲到河边,迅速脱下他的 T 恤衫。然后他跳进河里。他不在乎寒冷,他满脑子想的都是救那些女人。)”和最后一段中“The whole rescue only took two or three minutes (整个营救只花了两三分钟)”可推知,这次成功救援的关键因素是Blachut做出快速决定的能力。故选D。
推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了一位母亲和两个女孩意外落水,在岸边一家餐厅工作的服务员Paul Blachut看到这种情况后,迅速做出决定,冲到河边救下了她们,这是一件鼓舞人心的事情。由此可推知,这篇文章可能选择报纸的“鼓舞人心故事”这一板块,故选C。
To humans, roads mean connection and escape; to other life-forms, they spell death and division. A half-century ago, just 3 percent of land animals met their end on a road; by 2017 the number had greatly doubled.
Considering the outsize effects of roads, it’s perhaps surprising that they didn’t truly receive their scientific due until the late 20th century. In 1993, Richard Forman, a landscape ecologist, coined an English term: “road ecology,” defined loosely as the study of how “life changes for plants and animals with a road and traffic nearby.” As the 1990s wore on, road ecology gained steam.
Like most people, I at once cherish animals and think nothing of piloting a 3,000-pounddeath machine. One summer, in Alaska, I hit a songbird–a death I didn’t discover until I found the delicate splash of feathers the next day. I’d killed it unconsciously. But I could do nothing.
Road ecology offers one path through this thicket (灌木丛). North America and Europe constructed their road networks with little regard for how they would affect nature. Today, in theory, we know better. Road ecology has revealed the danger of thoughtless development and pointed us toward solutions. Over the last several decades, its practitioners have constructed bridges for bears, tunnels (隧道) for turtles. In Kenya, elephants move slowly beneath highways and railroads via passages as tall as two-story houses.
And road ecology has yielded more than crossings: We’ve also learned to map and protect the migrations of certain animals, to design roadsides that nourish bees and butterflies– proof that old mistakes need not be permanent.
Today we’re entering a period that might fairly be considered the golden age of road ecology. The coming years will undoubtedly be transformative ones for our road network. Still, whether we can ever truly undo the harms of our concrete-coated world is far less certain.
8. What may be the reason for the doubled death number by 2017
A. Road noises. B. Traffic accidents. C. Natural disasters. D. Hunting activities.
9. What did the author want to tell us by the experience in Alaska in Paragraph 3
A. Songbirds were common in that area. B. The songbird’s death was undervalued.
C. Driving a car was necessary for his job. D. He was much troubled by the songbird.
10. Which best describes the impact of road ecology
A. Far-reaching. B. One-sided. C. Short-lived. D. Unnoticeable.
11. What is the most suitable title for the text
A. How Roads Have Transformed the Natural World B. What Measures Should Be Taken to Protect Animals
C. How Road Ecology Will Change the Future World D. What Difficulties Humans face in Road Construction
【答案】8. B 9. B 10. A 11. A
细节理解题。根据第一段中“A half-century ago, just 3 percent of land animals met their end on a road; by 2017 the number had greatly doubled.( 半个世纪以前,只有3% 的陆地动物在路上死去;到2017年,这个数字大大增加了一倍。)”可知,2017年死亡数翻倍的原因是交通事故。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Like most people, I at once cherish animals and think nothing of piloting a 3,000-pounddeath machine. One summer, in Alaska, I hit a songbird–a death I didn’t discover until I found the delicate splash of feathers the next day. I’d killed it unconsciously.(像大多数人一样,我立刻就爱上了动物,对驾驶一台3000磅重的死亡机器毫不在意。一年夏天,在阿拉斯加,我撞上了一只鸣鸟——直到第二天我发现了那片纤细的羽毛,我才发现它的死亡。我无意识地杀了它)”可推知,作者想通过第三段在阿拉斯加的经历告诉我们的是,他没有重视鸣鸟的死,故选B。
推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中“Today, in theory, we know better. Road ecology has revealed the danger of thoughtless development and pointed us toward solutions. Over the last several decades, its practitioners have constructed bridges for bears, tunnels (隧道) for turtles. In Kenya, elephants move slowly beneath highways and railroads via passages as tall as two-story houses.(今天,从理论上讲,我们更清楚。道路生态学揭示了盲目开发的危害,为我们指明了解决之道。在过去的几十年里,它的从业者为熊建造了桥梁,为海龟建造了隧道。在肯尼亚,大象在高速公路和铁路下通过两层楼高的通道缓慢移动)”和倒数第二段中“And road ecology has yielded more than crossings: We’ve also learned to map and protect the migrations of certain animals, to design roadsides that nourish bees and butterflies– proof that old mistakes need not be permanent.(道路生态学带来的不仅仅是交叉路口: 我们还学会了绘制和保护某些动物的迁徙地图,学会了设计能滋养蜜蜂和蝴蝶的路边——证明旧的错误不一定是永久性的)”可知,道路生态使人们为保护动物做出了一些改变;由此可推知,道路生态所带来的影响是深远的,故选A。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段“Considering the outsize effects of roads, it’s perhaps surprising that they didn’t truly receive their scientific due until the late 20th century. In 1993, Richard Forman, a landscape ecologist, coined an English term: “road ecology,” defined loosely as the study of how “life changes for plants and animals with a road and traffic nearby.” As the 1990s wore on, road eco logy gained steam.(考虑到道路的巨大影响,它们直到20世纪末才真正得到应有的科学价值,这或许令人惊讶。1993年,景观生态学家理查德·福尔曼(Richard Forman)创造了一个英语术语:“道路生态学”,宽泛地定义为研究“附近有道路和交通的动植物的生活如何发生变化”随着20世纪90年代的过去,道路生态开始蓬勃发展)”以及第四度和第五段介绍了道路生态所带来的深远影响——使人们为保护动物做出了一些改变可知,文章主要介绍了道路生态使人们开始保护动物,避免动物发生交通事故,进而改变了自然世界,A项“道路是如何改变自然世界的”适合作文章标题,故选A。
In the days before the internet critical thinking was the most important skill that informed citizens could have. But in the digital age, according to Anastasia Kozyreva, a German psychologist, an even more important skill is “critical ignoring.” With such an overabundance of information, we need to first decide what’s worth our attention and time, and what’s not.
The first strategy is self-nudging. This involves avoiding low-quality information so that we have more quality time for ourselves. It also involves the removal of distracting things from the environment around you. Of course, we need to stay informed of world events, so we can’t just ignore the internet altogether. When you do go into social media, Kozyreva recommends setting time limits, which prevents you from losing track of time as you click on one attractive link after another.
The next strategy is lateral (横向的) reading. Its purpose is to improve judgments about the reliability of information, and to protect you from false and misleading information. The strategy involves opening a new web page to find out more about the source of the information. Likewise, it’s also good to check the source of the information in an internet post. Headlines are often cheating. They’re designed to attract attention, not provide information. The main idea of the article may be completely contrary to the implication in the headline. A sensational claim may provide a link with a headline that seems to support it, but a careful reading of the original source shows it doesn’t.
We live in a digital age in which we’re overwhelmed with information, much of it of poor quality. Train our critical ignoring skills and we can get the benefits of the internet while we avoid falling victim to those who try to control our attention.
12. Which of the following saying can best describe “critical ignoring”
A. Rob Peter to pay Paul. B. Make something out of nothing.
C. Birds of a feather flock together. D. Separate the sheep from the goats.
13. What does the author suggest for applying self-nudging strategy
A. Improving study equipment. B. Managing our own time well.
C. Avoiding access to social media. D. Staying informed of what happened.
14. How can we get the reliable information of an article
A. By focusing on headlines. B. By reading posts at random.
C. By searching for original sources. D. By consulting authorities for advice.
15. What is the purpose of writing the text
A. To clarify a concept. B. To promote an app. C. To describe a scene. D. To make a proposal.
【答案】12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D
细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“With such an overabundance of information, we need to first decide what’s worth our attention and time, and what’s not.”(面对如此丰富的信息,我们首先需要决定哪些值得我们花时间和精力,哪些不值得。)可知,“critical ignoring”指的是在大量的信息中我们要能分辨出有价值的信息和无用的信息。“Rob Peter to pay Paul”表示“拆东墙补西墙”,Make something out of nothing表示“无中生有”,Birds of a feather flock together表示“物以类聚,人以群分”,Separate the sheep from the goats表示“分辨好坏”,D项强调分辨能力,符合“critical ignoring”的描述。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“This involves avoiding low-quality information so that we have more quality time for ourselves.”(这包括避免低质量的信息,这样我们就有更多属于自己的高质量时间。)及最后一句“When you do go into social media, Kozyreva recommends setting time limits, which prevents you from losing track of time as you click on one attractive link after another.”(当你进入社交媒体时,Kozyreva建议设置时间限制,这样可以防止你在点击一个又一个吸引人的链接时忘记时间。)可知,作者认为在使用该策略时,要有良好的时间管理观念,避免浪费时间在无用的信息上,以便节约更多时间在高质量的信息处理上。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三段前三句“The next strategy is lateral reading. Its purpose is to improve judgments about the reliability of information, and to protect you from false and misleading information. The strategy involves opening a new web page to find out more about the source of the information.”(下一个策略是横向阅读。其目的是提高对信息可靠性的判断,并保护您免受虚假和误导性信息的影响。该策略包括打开一个新的网页,以找到更多关于信息来源的信息。 )及最后一句“A sensational claim may provide a link with a headline that seems to support it, but a careful reading of the original source shows it doesn’t.”(一个耸人听闻的说法可能会提供一个似乎支持它的标题链接,但仔细阅读原始来源就会发现事实并非如此。)可知,横向阅读包括找到更多信息来源的消息,而阅读这些原始文本可以提供可靠的信息。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“But in the digital age, according to Anastasia Kozyreva, a German psychologist, an even more important skill is “critical ignoring.” ”(但德国心理学家Anastasia Kozyreva表示,在数字时代,一项更重要的技能是“批判性忽视”。);第二段第一句“The first strategy is self-nudging. ”(第一种策略是自我推动);第三段第一句“The next strategy is lateral reading.”(下一个策略是横向阅读。)及第四段最后一句“Train our critical ignoring skills and we can get the benefits of the internet while we avoid falling victim to those who try to control our attention.”(训练我们的批判性忽视技能,我们可以从互联网中获益,同时避免成为那些试图控制我们注意力的人的受害者。)可知,作者提出一个建议——批判性忽视,并列举了实现它的两个策略及其重要性。故选D项。
Doing fitness routines is challenging and sometimes boring. Here is some advice on how to make exercise as fun as video games.
Have an objective
When you’re playing a game, there’s always an objective. It helps us focus on the task at hand and motivates us to keep playing until we win the game. ___16___ Create a clear fitness goal. Aim to walk 10,000 steps a day, for example, or try to run a total of 6 miles every week.
Compete against others
Adding an element of competition to your exercise routine can actually help you work out harder. If you’re seeking a similar motivation look into fitness programs that encourage friendly competition. The app Zwift, for example, is a good choice. ___17___
Team up with others
Getting a group to work together toward a common goal was also an effective way to increase physical activity. You can try to recreate this dynamic by working toward an exercise goal with other people, particularly those who you have a close relationship to. ___18___ So grab a close friend or family member and bring them to the gym with you.
Add a sense of playfulness
Some people love video games because there’s a lot of unpredictability and surprise. ___19___ You can recreate this sense of playfulness in your own exercises. For example, you can take photos of at least 5 different flowers on your neighborhood walk. Ride your bike from one friend’s house to another.
___20___ If exercise makes you feel slightly happy or adds some kind of meaning to your life, that’s great.
A. Exercise should be no different.
B. Just remember every moment of playful engagement is a victory.
C. But how to apply these techniques to our everyday fitness routines
D. Similarly, you can do many things to bring back a sense of childlike wonder.
E. It allows you race against others around a virtual world using your own bike.
F. This approach encouraged each member of the group to try to meet the day’s step goal.
G. They can help you hold yourself accountable in a way you might not do with a stranger.
【答案】16. A 17. E 18. G 19. D 20. B
上文“When you’re playing a game, there’s always an objective. It helps us focus on the task at hand and motivates us to keep playing until we win the game.”(当你在玩游戏时,总是有一个目标。它帮助我们专注于手头的任务,激励我们继续比赛,直到我们赢得比赛。)说明玩游戏时设定目标的重要性,结合下文“Create a clear fitness goal.”(制定一个明确的健身目标。)说明健身时也需要有目标,A项“Exercise should be no different.”(锻炼也不例外)衔接上文,引出下文健身也需要目标的事实,符合句意。故选A项。
上文“The app Zwift, for example, is a good choice.”(例如,zswift应用程序就是一个不错的选择。)举例说明了一个鼓励友好竞争的应用程序,E项“It allows you race against others around a virtual world using your own bike.”(它允许你使用自己的自行车在虚拟世界中与他人比赛。)具体说明了该程序是如何运作的,衔接上文恰当。故选E项。
上文“You can try to recreate this dynamic by working toward an exercise goal with other people, particularly those who you have a close relationship to.”(你可以试着通过与其他人,特别是那些你关系密切的人一起朝着一个锻炼目标努力来重建这种动力。)说明与关系密切的人一起合作有助于激发你的锻炼动力。G项“They can help you hold yourself accountable in a way you might not do with a stranger.”(他们可以帮助你对自己负责,而你对陌生人可能不会这样做。)具体说明了这些人对你的帮助,其中“they”指代上文“those who you have a close relationship to”,衔接恰当。故选G项。
上文“Some people love video games because there’s a lot of unpredictability and surprise.”(有些人喜欢电子游戏是因为其中有很多不可预测性和惊喜。)给出了一些人喜欢电子游戏的原因,结合下文“You can recreate this sense of playfulness in your own exercises.”(你可以在自己的练习中重新创造这种好玩的感觉。)说明在锻炼中也可以创造这种感觉,D项“Similarly, you can do many things to bring back a sense of childlike wonder.”(同样,你可以做很多事情来找回孩子般的好奇感。)与上文构成类比,衔接下文,说明在锻炼中也可以拥有游戏中惊喜的感觉,衔接恰当。故选D项。
下文“If exercise makes you feel slightly happy or adds some kind of meaning to your life, that’s great.”(如果运动让你感到些许快乐,或者为你的生活增添了某种意义,那就太好了。)说明了运动能带来乐趣,给生活增添意义。B项“Just remember every moment of playful engagement is a victory.”(只要记住,每一次有趣的参与都是一种胜利。)说明重在参与到运动之中,衔接下文参与运动带来的好处和乐趣,衔接恰当。故选B项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I opened the door of our campervan (房车). My two cats, Gatinha and Jon Snow, ___21___ down the stairs and onto the grass. In the distance, the sea ___22___ before me and the sun’s rays danced on the surface, creating a/an ___23___ display of light and shadow.
A month earlier, Wade, 35, and I thought we were ready for our travel in ___24___ . So we ___25___ our office jobs to travel around Australia in our truck that we’d transformed into a ___26___ on wheels. Besides saving for the trip, we’d set up a website to ___27___ money while we were travelling, along with renting out our home.
Knowing we couldn’t leave our two rescue cats behind, we decided to bring them with us. After doing some ___28___, I discovered that seeing cats on the road is ___29___ but we didn’t let it stop us. To ___30___ the cats to their new home, we brought them into the van while we worked. Finally, we were on the way to travel.
For the first few days they ___31___ the inside of the van, but as days turned to weeks, they gradually grew more ___32___. It wasn’t long before they were curiously sniffing the grass. ___33___, neither of the cats have ever walked far and we ___34___ them to wander freely.
Looking back, ___35___ the city life to travel around was the best decision we ever made, and our cats make the perfect companions!
A. jumped B. bent C. fell D. stopped
A. shouted B. stretched C. folded D. disappeared
A. heartbreaking B. imaginary C. breathtaking D. disturbing
A. time B. budget C. energy D. facility
A. quit B. ignored C. took D. changed
A. library B. school C. home D. hotel
A. make B. save C. collect D. donate
A practice B. thought C. discussion D. research
A. common B. fascinating C. rare D. natural
A. force B. adapt C. move D. lead
A. focused on B. messed up C. stuck to D. escaped from
A. dependent B. anxious C. confident D. tolerant
A. Amazingly B. Suddenly C. Regretfully D. Doubtfully
A. ordered B. reminded C. taught D. trusted
A. exchanging B. choosing C. abandoning D. experiencing
【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. C 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的两只猫,Gatinha和Jon Snow,跳下车梯,跳到草地上。A. jumped跳跃;B. bent弯曲;C. fell掉落;D. stopped停下来。由上文“I opened the door of our campervan (房车)”和下文“down the stairs and onto the grass”可知,作者打开车门,两只猫从车里跳下来,故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意: 远处,大海在我面前延伸,太阳的光线在海面上跳跃着,形成了一个光影交织的令人叹为观止的画面。A. shouted大喊;B. stretched伸展,延伸;C. folded折叠;D. disappeared消失。由上文“In the distance, the sea”可知,大海向远处延伸,故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。远处,大海在我面前延伸,太阳的光线在海面上跳跃着,形成了一个光影交织的令人叹为观止的画面。句意:A. heartbreaking令人心碎的;B. imaginary虚构的;C. breathtaking激动人心的,令人惊叹的;D. disturbing令人不安的。由上文“the sun’s rays danced on the surface”和下文“display of light and shadow”可知,太阳的光线在海面上跳跃着,形成了一个光影交织的画面,这个画面很美丽,令人惊叹,故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个月前,35岁的Wade和我认为我们已经做好了预算旅行的准备。A. time时间;B. budget预算;C. energy能量;D. facility设备。由下文“Besides saving for the trip”和下文“we were travelling, along with renting out our home.”提到作者和Wade节省钱来旅行,由此可知,此处指为旅行做好预算,故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我们辞掉了办公室的工作,开着我们的卡车环游澳大利亚,我们把这里变成了一个有轮子的家。A. quit辞职;B. ignored忽视;C. took拿走;D. changed改变。由下文“our office jobs to travel around Australia in our truck”可知,作者和Wade辞职去旅行,故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以我们辞掉了办公室的工作,开着我们的卡车环游澳大利亚,我们把卡车变成了一个有轮子的家。A. library图书馆;B. school学校;C. home家;D. hotel旅馆。由上文“we’d transformed into a”和上文提到作者和Wade辞职去旅行可知,他们开着车去旅行,即将卡车变成了一个家,下文“the cats to their new home”中的home也是提示,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:除了为旅行存钱,我们还建立了一个网站,以便在旅行时赚钱,同时还出租了我们的房子。A. make制作;B. save挽救;C. collect收集;D. donate捐赠。make money固定搭配,意为“挣钱”,由上文“Besides saving for the trip, we’d set up a website to ”可知,建立网站是为了挣钱,故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在做了一些研究之后,我发现在路上看到猫是很罕见的,但是我们并没有因此而没有带着它们。A. practice练习;B. thought思想;C. discussion讨论;D. research研究。由下文“I discovered that seeing cats on the road is________”可知,这是作者在做了一些研究后所发现的,故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在做了一些研究之后,我发现在路上看到猫是很罕见的,但是我们并没有因此而没有带着它们。A. common普通的;B. fascinating迷人的;C. rare稀少的;D. natural自然的。由第一段提到的“I opened the door of our campervan (房车). My two cats, Gatinha and Jon Snow, ________down the stairs and onto the grass. ”以及“but we didn’t let it stop us”可知,作者是带着这两只猫去旅行的,but前后是转折关系,虽然带着猫去旅行是很少见的,但是作者却是这么做的——带着猫去旅行,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了让猫猫们适应新家,我们在工作的时候把它们带进了货车。A. force强迫;B. adapt使适应;C. move移动;D. lead带领。adapt...to固定搭配,意为“使……适应”,由下文“the cats to their new home, we brought them into the van while we worked.”可知,作者在工作的时候把这两只猫带进了货车,这是为了让猫猫们适应新家,故选B。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:刚开始的几天,它们一直待在车里,但是随着时间的推移,它们逐渐变得更加自信。A. focused on集中于;B. messed up弄糟;C. stuck to坚持,待在……近旁;D. escaped from逃避。由上文“For the first few days”和下文“the inside of the van,”以及下文提到的慢慢地这两只猫开始去外面可知,刚开始的几天,这两只猫一直待在车里,故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:刚开始的几天,它们一直待在车里,但是随着时间的推移,它们逐渐变得更加自信。A. dependent依赖的;B. anxious焦虑的;C. confident自信的;D. tolerant忍受的。由下文“It wasn’t long before they were curiously sniffing the grass”和上文提到的刚开始几天这两只猫一直待在车里可知,慢慢地这两只猫变得自信起来,开始走出卡车,故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,这两只猫从来没有走远过,我们相信它们可以自由漫步。A. Amazingly令人惊讶地;B. Suddenly突然地;C. Regretfully遗憾地;D. Doubtfully怀疑地。下文“neither of the cats have ever walked far”提到这两只猫从未走远过可知,这令作者很惊讶,故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,这两只猫从来没有走远过,我们相信它们可以自由漫步。A. ordered命令;B. reminded提醒;C. taught教;D. trusted信任。上文“neither of the cats have ever walked far”提到这两只猫从未走远过可知,作者信任这两只猫,相信它们可以自由漫步而丢不了。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:回顾过去,放弃城市生活去旅行是我们做过的最好的决定,我们的猫咪是完美的伴侣!A. exchanging交换;B. choosing选择;C. abandoning放弃;D. experiencing经历。由下文“the city life to travel around”和上文提到的作者和Wade辞职开着卡车环游澳大利亚可知,此处指放弃城市生活去旅行,故选C。
There was a job vacancy for taking care of the Great Barrier Reef!
___36___ (locate) off the coast of North-east Australia, it is the ___37___ (large) living thing on the planet. About ___38___ size of Japan, it even can be seen from outer space. More than 25 million years old, the Great Barrier Reef is made up of living coral ___39___ (grow) on dead coral. Now this unique and delicate place is under threat from pollution and climate change.
___40___ (get) this job, the candidates needed to prove why they were the best person to do the job. Out of the thousands of applicants, eleven ___41___ (elect), including a young woman from China. Eventually, Ben Southall from the UK received the job offer.
Ben did a lot during his time ___42___ an island caretaker. Besides blogging, he made an umber of appearances on television to argue in favor of its ___43___ (defend). Whether it was a genuine job offer ___44___ an eye-catching marketing event isn’t really important. The most important thing was that people all over the world became aware of the beauty of the ocean in the area. What’s more, they came to understand the delicate balance ___45___ the environment exists in and what can, and must, be done to protect the reef. That way, it will remain a safe habitat for wildlife and a dream destination for tourists.
【答案】36. Located
37. largest
38. the 39. growing
40. To get 41. were elected
42. as 43. defence##defense
44. or 45. which##that
【导语】这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍了大堡礁的概况和Ben Southall为其保护工作所做出的努力。
考查非谓语动词。句意:它位于澳大利亚东北部海岸外,是地球上最大的生物。be located at位于,此处省略be,用过去分词作状语,首字母应大写,故填Located。
考查形容词最高级。句意同上。结合空前的“the”以及空后的“on the planet”可知,此处指“是地球上最大的生物”,应用形容词最高级形式,故填largest。
考查冠词。句意:它的大小和日本差不多,甚至可以从外太空看到。根据空后的“of Japan”可知,size表示特指,应用定冠词修饰,故填the。
考查非谓语动词。句意:大堡礁有2500多万年的历史,是由活珊瑚长在死珊瑚上组成的。句中已有谓语动词is,空处应填非谓语动词,动词grow和“living coral”之间是主谓关系,应用现在分词作后置定语,故填growing。
考查非谓语动词。句意:为了得到这份工作,候选人需要证明为什么他们是做这份工作的最佳人选。结合句意可知,此处表示目的,应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填To get。
考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:在数千名申请者中,有11人当选,其中包括一名来自中国的年轻女子。结合上下文可知此处是描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时,主语eleven(指11个候选人)和动词elect之间是被动关系,故此处用一般过去时的被动语态,主语表示复数意义,be动词用were,故填were elected。
考查定语从句。句意:更重要的是,他们开始了解环境存在的微妙平衡,以及可以,也必须做些什么来保护珊瑚礁。分析句子可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词是delicate balance,关系词在从句中作宾语,应用关系代词which或that。故填which/that。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 每个人成长道路上都会面临各种困难。请以“An Obstacle I Overcame”为题,结合个人经历写一篇短文,参加你校举办的英语征文比赛。内容包括:
An Obstacle I Overcame
When I was young, I wanted to become a basketball player. However, when I was in high school, I faced an obstacle that almost broke my dream.
I was not tall enough and I lacked the skills that many of my teammates had. But I didn’t give up. I started working on my skills. As the days passed, the coach started to notice my efforts too, and he began to give me more playing time.
By overcoming my obstacle, I learned that hard work and perseverance are the keys to success.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于记叙文。每个人成长道路上都会面临各种困难。请以“An Obstacle I Overcame”为题,结合个人经历写一篇短文,参加你校举办的英语征文比赛。
放弃:give up→quit
注意到:notice→take notice of
原句:I was not tall enough and I lacked the skills that many of my teammates had. But I didn’t give up.
拓展句:Although I was not tall enough and I lacked the skills that many of my teammates had, I didn’t give up.
【点睛】[高分句型1] When I was young, I wanted to become a basketball player. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] By overcoming my obstacle, I learned that hard work and perseverance are the keys to success. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Jack was a bright and curious child, always eager to learn new things and explore the mysterious world about science. However, he often found himself in disagreement with his mother. His mother was always busy with her work and she didn’t have enough time to learn about his interests and passions.
One day, Jack came home from school feeling particularly excited. He just found a sci-fi book about an adventure on the moon. Upon arriving at home, he couldn’t tear himself away from the book. He read and read until it was dark. Having finished reading it, he couldn’t wait to share it with his mother, only to be told that he should focus on more practical subjects like math and history, which would help him get into a good college and have a successful career.
Jack couldn’t understand why his mother didn’t see the value in what he was doing. He felt that she was holding him back and not allowing him to pursue his true interests. “Why can’t you see how important this is to me ” Jack asked his mother angrily. “I’m never going to be happy if I have to spend my life doing things that I show no interest in just because they are practical or make you proud.”
The once peaceful home was filled with tension and anger. His mother’s voice grew louder as she shouted, “You can’t just do whatever you want! You should be responsible for your future!” Jack, fueled by his own frustration, shot back, “I am tired of you always telling me what to do! I am not a child anymore! You only care about your own feeling! You never thought about my feeling!” They were so caught up in their own anger and hurt that they failed to see how their words and actions were affecting each other.
Jack rushed into his bedroom and locked the door heavily.
When Jack heard his mother’s words, regretful tears rolled down his face.
【答案】 Jack rushed into his bedroom and locked the door heavily. He lay on the bed, huddling himself in the quilt. What he really wanted to do was to cut himself off from the whole world, especially from his mother. He couldn't figure out why his mother didn't understand him and why she forced him to do something he didn't like. Slowly, he fell asleep while thinking.Suddenly he was awakened, hearing his mother's voice outside the door, which was filled with apologies and tenderness. His mother promised him that she would respect his interests in the future.
When Jack heard his mother’s words, regretful tears rolled down his face. He realized that everything his mother did was totally for the sake of his future and what he said hurt his mother's heart hard. It occurred to him that he had never showed his gratitude to his mother. He couldn’t wait to open the door and said thank you to his mother, who was standing in the doorway. He also promised his mother that he would study hard in practical subjects. Finaly, misunderstanding cleared, they hugged each other tightly with a joyful smile.
①蜷缩:huddle/curl up
②想做:want to do/be eager to do
①感谢:show his gratitude/show his appreciation//be grateful
【点睛】[高分句型1]What he really wanted to do was to cut himself off from the whole world, especially from his mother.(运用了what引导的主语从句)
[高分句型2] Suddenly he was awakened, hearing his mother's voice outside the door, which was filled with apologies and tenderness.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句及现在分词作状语)
1-5 BBCAC 6-10 AABCC 11-15 BACAB 16-20 ABCBA2023-2024学年度第一学期期中学业水平检测
(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the man do in the park
A. Ride a bike. B. Play with his dog. C. Have a picnic.
2. How often did the man contact his friends
A. Every day. B. Four times a month. C. Once a month.
3. What makes the woman anxious
A. The part-time job. B. The difficult exam. C. The heavy homework.
4. What does the woman want the man to do
A. Do some warm-up exercises.
B. Play an actual game with her.
C. Go to the park alone.
5. What is the conversation mainly about
A. Housework. B. Free time activities. C. Responsibilities.
6. What is the man’s plan for the vacation
A Going to the seaside. B. Doing some housework. C. Reading at home.
7. How does the woman feel about the man’s plan
A. Disappointed. B. Interested. C. Envious.
8. What is the man dissatisfied with about the woman’s dress
A. Its style. B. Its size. C. Its material.
9. Who will the woman turn to for help
A. A fashion designer. B. A shop assistant. C. Her friend’s mother.
10. What does the man do
A. He’s a repairman. B. He’s a cycling coach. C. He’s a salesman.
11. Where did the woman’s father use to ride
A. In forests. B. Along the highways. C. Around the neighborhood.
12. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Buy a new bike. B. Get thicker tires. C. Have stronger brakes.
13. How does the woman sound in the end
A. Happy. B. Worried. C. Hesitant.
14. Where are probably the speakers
A. At home. B. In a shop. C. At a train station.
15. How is the weather now
A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
16. What is the man unable to do
A. Collect an order. B. Pick up his parents. C. Check the weather.
17. What is the woman likely to do next
A. Play with the kids. B. Do some cleaning. C. Go to bed.
18. Who is Brian Dong raising Cooper for
A. A blind man. B. A deaf man. C. A man with emotional problems.
19. What does it mean when a dog wears a blue jacket
A. It is still in training.
B. It is with a disabled person.
C. It is owned by the police.
20. Where will the training courses for volunteers be held
A. At the community center. B. At the university. C. At the fire department.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Learn about programs, events and much more for students of your age to get opportunities.
Youth and Non-Violent Direct Action
Time: October 18 and November 1,2023
Contact: Robert Croonquist
This interactive workshop for school groups will teach how to appeal to the government for change and how to create safe, non-violent direct action. Students will meet in small groups to discuss issues that are important to them. The fee to participate is $5 per student.
Attend a FREE Architecture and Design College Fair
Time: October 282023
Contact: Mary Lib Schmidt
High school students are invited to learn more about applying to architecture school. Representatives from over 30 colleges, universities, and design programs will meet with students and answer questions. The event will be held from 11am-3pm.
Seeds of Knowledge: Teen Tour and Natural Bath Bomb Making Workshop
Time: October 26,2023
Contact: Nicole Leist
Participants will look at 15th- to-17th-century printed herbals on display and learn how modern practitioners (医师) create beneficial natural products today. Teens will create bath bombs using all organic materials. This program is intended only for teens aged 13 to 18. FREE with advance registration.
FREE Saturday Leadership Program for Hispanic Youth
Time: November 2023 through March 2024
Contact: Lisa Pineda
It is a FREE Saturday program serving 100 students. It offers various leadership opportunities and resources with the goal of affirming students in cultural pride and increasing the Hispanic voice in government, community, and institutional spaces. Seats are limited.
1. What can you learn about Youth and Non-Violent Direct Action
A. It lasts a fortnight. B. It is free of charge.
C. It is organized by the government. D. It teaches legal ways to communicate.
2. If you want to learn how to make a natural product, who should you contact
A. Robert Croonquist. B. Mary Lib Schmidt. C. Nicole Leist. D. Lisa Pineda.
3. Which activity limits the number of participants
A. Youth and Non-Violent Direct Action.
B. Attend a FREE Architecture and Design College Fair.
C. Seeds of Knowledge: Teen Tour and Natural Bath Bomb Making Workshop.
D. FREE Saturday Leadership Program for Hispanic Youth.
It is a bright cold day in April and Paul Blachut is busy as usual. From behind the bar of a restaurant, he has a good view of the river. He can see that, along the shore, many visitors are cooling their feet in the river.
Among those are a mother and her two teenage daughters. They’re standing on the edge of the riverbank, playing with an inflatable (充气的) tube when, suddenly, the girls lose their footing and are caught in the river’s current. It all happens so fast. The girls desperately grab on to the tube, which their mother is sitting in, dragging her into the river, too. Now all three are being carried away by the fast current.
A bystander races to the restaurant and shouted for help. Despite having no lifesaving training, Blachut rushes to the riverbank, quickly pulling off his T-shirt. Then he jumps into the river. He doesn’t care about the cold; all he can think about is saving the women.
As Blachut gets closer to them, he can tell that the mother seems to be in the most trouble; her head is now submerged. He recalls how a lifeguard saves people in a movie so he tries this, but in vain. Without hesitation, Blachut dives under the drowning woman, pushing her upward and using that momentum (冲力) to push her toward the shore. Then he dives into the current again, swims quickly downstream and manages to get hold of one of the teenagers, and get her out in the same way he did her mother. He is out of strength and luckily, the girl’s sister is helped out by someone else.
Several onlookers express their admiration for Blachut following the incident, but he is modest about his role. “The whole rescue only took two or three minutes” he says today, adding that he is happy to have received high praise from his boss for his courage. Indeed, it was a job very well done.
4. What might Blachut be
A. A visitor. B. A waiter. C. The boss. D. A lifeguard.
5. What happens to the mother of two teenagers
A. She loses her footing while playing. B. She is dragged into the river by accident.
C. She jumps into the river to save her daughters. D. She loses control of the tube and flows with it.
6. What is the key factor in this successful rescue
A. Blachut’s rich lifesaving experience. B. The method Blachut recalls in a movie.
C. The slow speed of the river current. D. Blachut’s ability to make quick decisions.
7. In which section of a newspaper may the text appear
A. Health. B. Travel. C. Inspiration. D. Entertainment.
To humans, roads mean connection and escape; to other life-forms, they spell death and division. A half-century ago, just 3 percent of land animals met their end on a road; by 2017 the number had greatly doubled.
Considering the outsize effects of roads, it’s perhaps surprising that they didn’t truly receive their scientific due until the late 20th century. In 1993, Richard Forman, a landscape ecologist, coined an English term: “road ecology,” defined loosely as the study of how “life changes for plants and animals with a road and traffic nearby.” As the 1990s wore on, road ecology gained steam.
Like most people, I at once cherish animals and think nothing of piloting a 3,000-pounddeath machine. One summer, in Alaska, I hit a songbird–a death I didn’t discover until I found the delicate splash of feathers the next day. I’d killed it unconsciously. But I could do nothing.
Road ecology offers one path through this thicket (灌木丛). North America and Europe constructed their road networks with little regard for how they would affect nature. Today, in theory, we know better. Road ecology has revealed the danger of thoughtless development and pointed us toward solutions. Over the last several decades, its practitioners have constructed bridges for bears, tunnels (隧道) for turtles. In Kenya, elephants move slowly beneath highways and railroads via passages as tall as two-story houses.
And road ecology has yielded more than crossings: We’ve also learned to map and protect the migrations of certain animals, to design roadsides that nourish bees and butterflies– proof that old mistakes need not be permanent.
Today we’re entering a period that might fairly be considered the golden age of road ecology. The coming years will undoubtedly be transformative ones for our road network. Still, whether we can ever truly undo the harms of our concrete-coated world is far less certain.
8. What may be the reason for the doubled death number by 2017
A. Road noises. B. Traffic accidents. C. Natural disasters. D. Hunting activities.
9. What did the author want to tell us by the experience in Alaska in Paragraph 3
A. Songbirds were common in that area. B. The songbird’s death was undervalued.
C. Driving a car was necessary for his job. D. He was much troubled by the songbird.
10. Which best describes the impact of road ecology
A. Far-reaching. B. One-sided. C. Short-lived. D. Unnoticeable.
11. What is the most suitable title for the text
A. How Roads Have Transformed the Natural World B. What Measures Should Be Taken to Protect Animals
C. How Road Ecology Will Change the Future World D. What Difficulties Humans face in Road Construction
In the days before the internet, critical thinking was the most important skill that informed citizens could have. But in the digital age, according to Anastasia Kozyreva, a German psychologist, an even more important skill is “critical ignoring.” With such an overabundance of information, we need to first decide what’s worth our attention and time, and what’s not.
The first strategy is self-nudging. This involves avoiding low-quality information so that we have more quality time for ourselves. It also involves the removal of distracting things from the environment around you. Of course, we need to stay informed of world events, so we can’t just ignore the internet altogether. When you do go into social media, Kozyreva recommends setting time limits, which prevents you from losing track of time as you click on one attractive link after another.
The next strategy is lateral (横向的) reading. Its purpose is to improve judgments about the reliability of information, and to protect you from false and misleading information. The strategy involves opening a new web page to find out more about the source of the information. Likewise, it’s also good to check the source of the information in an internet post. Headlines are often cheating. They’re designed to attract attention, not provide information. The main idea of the article may be completely contrary to the implication in the headline. A sensational claim may provide a link with a headline that seems to support it, but a careful reading of the original source shows it doesn’t.
We live in a digital age in which we’re overwhelmed with information, much of it of poor quality. Train our critical ignoring skills and we can get the benefits of the internet while we avoid falling victim to those who try to control our attention.
12. Which of the following saying can best describe “critical ignoring”
A. Rob Peter to pay Paul. B. Make something out of nothing.
C. Birds of a feather flock together. D. Separate the sheep from the goats.
13. What does the author suggest for applying self-nudging strategy
A. Improving study equipment. B. Managing our own time well.
C. Avoiding access to social media. D. Staying informed of what happened.
14. How can we get the reliable information of an article
A. By focusing on headlines. B. By reading posts at random.
C. By searching for original sources. D. By consulting authorities for advice.
15. What is the purpose of writing the text
A To clarify a concept. B. To promote an app. C. To describe a scene. D. To make a proposal.
Doing fitness routines is challenging and sometimes boring. Here is some advice on how to make exercise as fun as video games.
Have an objective
When you’re playing a game, there’s always an objective. It helps us focus on the task at hand and motivates us to keep playing until we win the game. ___16___ Create a clear fitness goal. Aim to walk 10,000 steps a day, for example, or try to run a total of 6 miles every week.
Compete against others
Adding an element of competition to your exercise routine can actually help you work out harder. If you’re seeking a similar motivation, look into fitness programs that encourage friendly competition. The app Zwift, for example, is a good choice. ___17___
Team up with others
Getting a group to work together toward a common goal was also an effective way to increase physical activity. You can try to recreate this dynamic by working toward an exercise goal with other people, particularly those who you have a close relationship to. ___18___ So grab a close friend or family member and bring them to the gym with you.
Add a sense of playfulness
Some people love video games because there’s a lot of unpredictability and surprise. ___19___ You can recreate this sense of playfulness in your own exercises. For example, you can take photos of at least 5 different flowers on your neighborhood walk. Ride your bike from one friend’s house to another.
___20___ If exercise makes you feel slightly happy or adds some kind of meaning to your life, that’s great.
A. Exercise should be no different.
B. Just remember every moment of playful engagement is a victory.
C. But how to apply these techniques to our everyday fitness routines
D. Similarly, you can do many things to bring back a sense of childlike wonder.
E. It allows you race against others around a virtual world using your own bike.
F. This approach encouraged each member of the group to try to meet the day’s step goal.
G. They can help you hold yourself accountable in a way you might not do with a stranger.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I opened the door of our campervan (房车). My two cats, Gatinha and Jon Snow, ___21___ down the stairs and onto the grass. In the distance, the sea ___22___ before me and the sun’s rays danced on the surface, creating a/an ___23___ display of light and shadow.
A month earlier, Wade, 35, and I thought we were ready for our travel in ___24___ . So we ___25___ our office jobs to travel around Australia in our truck that we’d transformed into a ___26___ on wheels. Besides saving for the trip, we’d set up a website to ___27___ money while we were travelling, along with renting out our home.
Knowing we couldn’t leave our two rescue cats behind, we decided to bring them with us. After doing some ___28___, I discovered that seeing cats on the road is ___29___ but we didn’t let it stop us. To ___30___ the cats to their new home, we brought them into the van while we worked. Finally, we were on the way to travel.
For the first few days they ___31___ the inside of the van, but as days turned to weeks, they gradually grew more ___32___. It wasn’t long before they were curiously sniffing the grass. ___33___, neither of the cats have ever walked far and we ___34___ them to wander freely.
Looking back, ___35___ the city life to travel around was the best decision we ever made, and our cats make the perfect companions!
A. jumped B. bent C. fell D. stopped
A. shouted B. stretched C. folded D. disappeared
A. heartbreaking B. imaginary C. breathtaking D. disturbing
A. time B. budget C. energy D. facility
A. quit B. ignored C. took D. changed
A. library B. school C. home D. hotel
A. make B. save C. collect D. donate
A. practice B. thought C. discussion D. research
A. common B. fascinating C. rare D. natural
A. force B. adapt C. move D. lead
A. focused on B. messed up C. stuck to D. escaped from
A. dependent B. anxious C. confident D. tolerant
A. Amazingly B. Suddenly C. Regretfully D. Doubtfully
A. ordered B. reminded C. taught D. trusted
A. exchanging B. choosing C. abandoning D. experiencing
There was a job vacancy for taking care of the Great Barrier Reef!
___36___ (locate) off the coast of North-east Australia, it is the ___37___ (large) living thing on the planet. About ___38___ size of Japan, it even can be seen from outer space. More than 25 million years old, the Great Barrier Reef is made up of living coral ___39___ (grow) on dead coral. Now this unique and delicate place is under threat from pollution and climate change.
___40___ (get) this job, the candidates needed to prove why they were the best person to do the job. Out of the thousands of applicants, eleven ___41___ (elect), including a young woman from China. Eventually, Ben Southall from the UK received the job offer.
Ben did a lot during his time ___42___ an island caretaker. Besides blogging, he made an umber of appearances on television to argue in favor of its ___43___ (defend). Whether it was a genuine job offer ___44___ an eye-catching marketing event isn’t really important. The most important thing was that people all over the world became aware of the beauty of the ocean in the area. What’s more, they came to understand the delicate balance ___45___ the environment exists in and what can, and must, be done to protect the reef. That way, it will remain a safe habitat for wildlife and a dream destination for tourists.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 每个人成长道路上都会面临各种困难。请以“An Obstacle I Overcame”为题,结合个人经历写一篇短文,参加你校举办的英语征文比赛。内容包括:
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Jack was a bright and curious child, always eager to learn new things and explore the mysterious world about science. However, he often found himself in disagreement with his mother. His mother was always busy with her work and she didn’t have enough time to learn about his interests and passions.
One day, Jack came home from school feeling particularly excited. He just found a sci-fi book about an adventure on the moon. Upon arriving at home, he couldn’t tear himself away from the book. He read and read until it was dark. Having finished reading it, he couldn’t wait to share it with his mother, only to be told that he should focus on more practical subjects like math and history, which would help him get into a good college and have a successful career.
Jack couldn’t understand why his mother didn’t see the value in what he was doing. He felt that she was holding him back and not allowing him to pursue his true interests. “Why can’t you see how important this is to me ” Jack asked his mother angrily. “I’m never going to be happy if I have to spend my life doing things that I show no interest in just because they are practical or make you proud.”
The once peaceful home was filled with tension and anger. His mother’s voice grew louder as she shouted, “You can’t just do whatever you want! You should be responsible for your future!” Jack, fueled by his own frustration, shot back, “I am tired of you always telling me what to do! I am not a child anymore! You only care about your own feeling! You never thought about my feeling!” They were so caught up in their own anger and hurt that they failed to see how their words and actions were affecting each other.
Jack rushed into his bedroom and locked the door heavily.
When Jack heard his mother’s words, regretful tears rolled down his face.
1-5 BBCAC 6-10 AABCC 11-15 BACAB 16-20 ABCBA
