湖北省孝感市2023-2024高二上学期11月期中考试英语试题(含解析 无听力音频 含听力原文)

考试时间: 2023年11 月21 日上午8: 00-10: 00 试卷满分:150分
1. 答题前,先将自己的姓名、 准考证号、考场号、座位号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
3. 非选择题的作答:用黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. When do high schools usually start in the man's country
A. At 7:30 a. m. B. At 8:15 a. m. C. At 8:30 a. m.
2. What probably happened to Henry
A. He became severely ill. B. He had a car accident. C. He was hit by a car.
3. What are the speakers talking about
A. The man's responsibility. B. The man's marriage. C. The man's parents.
4. Which museum did the man visit yesterday
A. The Nature Museum. B. The Science Museum. C. The Art Museum.
5. What food does the man want
A. Fried rice. B. Dumplings. C. Noodles.
第二节 (共 15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Boss and secretary. B. Teacher and student. C. Shop assistant and customer.
7. When should the man arrive in London
A. Before 5 p. m. B. Before 11:45 a. m. C. Before 11:30 a. m.
8. What does the man work for
A. An online news agency. B. A newspaper. C. A TV channel.
9. Why does the man like to be a journalist
A. He travels a lot. B. He earns a high pay. C. He gets job satisfaction.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 10至 12题。
10. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. How to quit smoking. B. What to eat for breakfast. C. How to choose drinks.
11. What did the man drink while using the program
A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Grapefruit juice.
12. How does the woman probably feel in the end
A. Lonely. B. Grateful. C. Helpless.
听第9段材料,回答第 13 至 16题。
13. Where does the woman come from
A. London. B. San Francisco. C. Los Angeles.
14. How will the woman travel to Monterey
A. By plane. B. By car. C. By train.
15. How long will the woman stay at the man's place
A. Three nights. B. Four nights. C. A week.
16. What is the weather like in Monterey
A. Cold. B. Hot. C. Warm.
听第10段材料,回答第17 至 20题。
17. When was World Environment Day established
A. In 1972. B. In 1974. C. In 1987.
18. Where were the first international celebrations of World Environment Day held
A. In England. B. In the United States. C. In Kenya.
19. What was the first theme of World Environment Day
A. One Earth One Family. B. Only One Earth. C. For Life on Earth.
20. What can we learn about World Environment Day
A. It is celebrated each year on July 5.
B. Tree planting is the main activity.
C. International environmental conventions are signed during it.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
72 hours in Beijing
Traveling to China is no longer a luxury for many foreign passport holders. The Chinese government has permitted a 72-hour visa free policy that offers access to visitors from 53 countries including the US、 France and Austria . Let's start with the capital of China, Beijing. Here's a pick of the best in Beijing.
The Forbidden City
Lying at the heart of the capital, the Forbidden City, or more accurately, the Imperial Palace, was home to 24 Chinese emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Twice the size of the Vatican, it consists of 999 rooms that served the emperors and their concubines(嫔妃). Also, it's the largest and most well-preserved wooden palace complex in the world.
The Summer Palace
Located in northwestern Beijing, the Summer Palace is by far the city's most well-preserved royal park. With its
huge lake and hilltop views , the palace offers you a pastoral(田园的) escape into the landscape of traditional Chinese paintings. The Summer Palace was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998.
798 Art Zone
This would be on the top of my list! Named after the 798 factory that was built in the 1950s, the art zone is home to various galleries、design studios、art exhibition spaces、fashionable shops and bars. You could easily spend half your day wandering around the complex , feeling the contrast of the present and the past.
The Temple of Heaven
Originally constructed during the Ming Dynasty, the Temple of Heaven was a sacrificial temple used by emperors to appease(安抚)the heavens in order to bring prosperity to their people and ensure the harvest in the coming year. The ceremonial processions traditionally started from the south gate.Enter the long hall and navigate through the crowds, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests will soon come into view with its three-tiered roof and st unning blue glaze.
21. In which place can a traveller see the largest wooden palace complex in the world
A. The Forbidden City. B. The Summer Palace.
C.798 Art Zone. D. The Temple of Heaven.
22. When was the Summer Palace added to the UNESCO World Heritage List
A. In 1950. B. In 1987. C. In 1998. D. In 2014.
23. Who is the passage intended for
A. The tourists who prefer to travel for free.
B. The foreigners to stay in Beijing for 4 days.
C. The visitors coming from every corner of China.
D. The foreign passport holders to stay in Beijing for 3 days.
A few years ago, I moved to a window office and sent an email letting everyone know. In the email,I jokingly invited everyone to come by for a“tour”of the new space.
I was in a meeting that morning and when I got back to my office, I saw a box on my desk. There was a note on it, saying,“Happy new office!”The person didn't sign it. I was so happy with that. I didn't feel like I should help anyone or that someone was trying to get something from me. In fact, I found myself thanking everyone in the office. It was completely different from what I did on the beach the other day.
The water was coming in. Two nice chairs were about to be taken out by the waves. The owners were nowhere to be seen, so I moved the chairs again and again as the waves rose. When the couple who owned the chairs showed up. I couldn't help myself. I went over, pointed to the waves, and said.“A couple of hours ago, your chairs were out there.”
“Oh, thanks so much for pulling them in,”said the guy.“We just realized they were out here and thought they had probably gotten washed away.”
“Don't worry about it,”I said, as I walked away. Then these words came to my mind,“You have your reward.”
Then I realized when I went over to the couple, I was looking for something. If they hadn't shown anything after I told what I had done, it would have upset me. In our life, people who show their good deeds are always looking for a reward and they resent those who don't celebrate their generosity.
However, when we experience the pleasure of giving without letting the other know, we do more than show kindness. We're just giving to communicate an invaluable message, “You're loved. You're important to someone and it has nothing to do with what you can give in return.”
24. How did the author feel when she saw the box
A. Nervous and thankful. B. Bored and painful.
C. Happy and grateful. D. Stressed and tired.
25. What can we in fer about the author when she was on the beach
A. She told the couple what she did. B. She was lucky to meet with a kind couple.
C. She got angry at keeping moving the chairs. D. She didn 't think the couple liked the chairs.
26. Which word can replace the underlined word“resent”in paragraph 6
A. Avoid. B. Hate. C. Love D. Persuade.
27. What does the author advise us to do through the text
A. Do what we can to help more people. B. Show love to someone important to you.
C. Show kindness to those who dislike you. D. Give without expecting anything in return.
Many diseases and medical conditions are caused by things out of our control. Yet experts say you can control and even prevent many of the factors that increase your chances of dying. Experts note that an unhealthy lifestyle can put you at great risk of heart disease and strokes. So doctors urge us to eat healthy foods, get exercise, stop smoking and limit our alcohol intake. But there is something else you can do. And it is free and easy. Smile!
Anand Chockalingam is a heart disease specialist at University of Missouri Health Care in Columbia, Missouri. He advises his patients to smile.“When we smile, the brain wiring gets altered. The chemicals that are released are more positive.”He says smiling is a first step in fighting physical and emotional stress and sometimes the stress has harmful effects on human health. This is not just New Age advice. Several studies support Dr. Chockalingam’s prescription -smile more.
Disorders of the heart and blood vessels(血管) are the number one cause of death around the world.The main causes of heart attacks and strokes are blockages in blood vessels. These prevent blood from flowing to the heart or the brain. When you feel stressed or under pressure, your body releases many natural hormones(激素) that increase your heart rate and blood pressure. Cortisol is the body's main stress hormone. It increases sugar in the bloodstream. If you are truly in danger, these hormones can help you. They are part of what we call our fight- or-flight response. However, when you are stressed for a long period, these stress hormones may lead to health problems.
Dr. Chockalingam says a smile may be one way to help. He tells his patients to smile 20 times an hour. To some, that might seem like a lot of smiling. Or some might even feel foolish... smiling for seemingly no reason. But a smile does not involve drugs. It is free and it has no bad side effects.
“Once people smile, they are relaxed. This relaxation directly lowers blood pressure, and improves sugar levels in the blood. If we are smiling, we are breaking that link between stress and health.”
28. What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To stop people from drinking too much alcohol.
B. To show the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.
C. To show some factors that can increase the chance of dying.
D. To introduce a free and easy way to control the factors of dying.
29. What can we learn from paragraph 2
A. The patients who smile can get altered.
B. Smiling can add to physical and emotional stress.
C. Physical and emotional stress must have bad effects.
D. When people smile, there will be positive chemicals produced.
30. Which of the following statements is reasonable
A. The smiling patients are foolish.
B. Heart attacks and strokes don't cause death.
C. The stress hormones may lead to different results, good or bad.
D. When you feel stressed, the body releases many beneficial hormones.
31. What does the passage mainly talk about
A. Smiling makes you relaxed. B. You should lead a happy life.
C. Smiling is beneficial to your health. D. You should stop leading the unhealthy life.
Smart devices that measure electrical signals from your skin have the potential to tell you about your stress levels, help your sports performances and allow you to track your emotions.
An international team of researchers from Sweden and the UK have developed an innovative way of interpreting biological signals produced by our skin. Using data obtained from a Philips wrist-worn wearable sensor device that can also measure movement, the researchers' system displays information in the form of colourful spiral graphics(螺旋图形) in real time on a smartphone, as well as a recording of data, for the wearer to interpret and reflect on.
The prototype(雏形) visualization system, called“Affective Health”, was developed by experts in Human-Computer Interaction looking into how new and emerging computer technologies can be used to design engaging visualizations on smartphones.
A study group of 23 people were given the Affective Health prototype to use for a month. Importantly,the researchers deliberately did not tell the participants what the devices were useful for. Instead, they gave guidelines that Affective Health could co llect information relating to both physical and emotional reactions, how increased sweating increased the conductivity, and how this was represented by different colors. The participants were left to decide the best ways of using the technology.
The researchers found that this open design stage of the study led to some participants using the system as a tool to measure and help manage their stress levels. While others, including outstanding athletes, used the device to get information on their training and recovery programmes. Other uses included logging information on their lives and tracking emotions. But interestingly, few would use the technology for more than one purpose.
Although the open design phase helped reveal se veral different practices Affective Health prototypes could be used for, the prototype lacked some of the functions needed to make it a good tool for a specific role - such as a sports training system, or as a stress management tool. The researchers found the need for a second, more tailored step in the design process to make devices specific to particular roles.
32. What were the participants unaware of about the prototype
A. Its specified uses. B. Its reactions to physical activity.
C. Its colourful spiral graphics. D. Its function as a measuring tool.
33. According to paragraph 5, what attracted the researchers' attention
A. People used the device quite differently.
B. Few used the device to help better themselves.
C. Many considered the device a single-purpose tool.
D. Many purposely avoided the device's certain functions.
34. What can we infer about Affective Health
A. It has a rising market share. B. It needs improvement.
C. It lacks competitiveness. D. It causes trouble for users
35. What can be the best title for the text
A. Sweat, a Mood Detector B. Time to Refle ct on Ourselves
C. Colourful Sensors Gain Popularity. D. Technologies Interpret Biodata from the Skin.
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题 2.5分, 满分12.5分)
How to support a child with test anxiety
It's normal for students to feel nervous before or during a test. Often, parents can be pretty in the dark. If you doubt your child is one of the many strugglings with test anxiety, 36 .
Focus on time and stress management skills. Many children with test anxiety fear that they won't be able to complete the test in time, so for these kids, focusing on time management skills may help.Winnett says working with planners and calendars and breaking up large projects into smaller tasks can be a good way. 37 Talk to your child's teacher about tools students can use and practice deep breathing with your child, which can be a good way to help case your child's nerves the night before.
38 Children with test anxiety may express a fear of diszappointing their parents. Zelts er says parents may enhance that fear and advises parents to focus on other values-trying your best, for example.Parcnts can reframe(再构造) these thoughts by telling the child that it's more important to try hard than it is to get a perfect scor c on every exam.
Communicate with educators. Teachers are likely to notice test anxiety earlier than parents are.Things like going to the bathroom frequently or shaky hands during exams could be signs of les t anxiety that parents may never see. 39
Know when to seek professional help、If you've tried all of these techniques and nothing seems to help. it might be worthwhile to visit a therapist(治疗师). Therapists who are trained in techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy will be able to help children with particularly terrible test anxiety. 40
A. Help children man age test anxiety.
B. Avoid overemphasizing good grades.
C、Teachers may see it well before a parent is aware.
D. here are some important things to help man age ít.
E. Stress management techniques like using a stress ball can also help.
F. Additionally, specialists are better suited to identify the cause of the test anxiety.
G. Talking to your child's teacher could be a good way to case your child's anxiety.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,资分30分)
第一节 完形填空 (共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)
I have seen many things and many people that can touch me deeply since I was born. What I have seen has left a dec ep 41 on me. When I was free, I used to write a blog post or 42 a diary in my notebook . I have made is a rule to do so, I regard that kind of good acts of kindness as nice 43 given to me, which 44 my mental world and makes me delighted and happy.
On a regular, cold Friday morning in an icy train station. I 45 something that brought a tear to my eye. It's not every day that you get to feel the 46 of human ity in trnin stations. 47 . it is the place where people 48 from one end to the other, where they quickly buy a breakfast lunch snack and where they wait with 49 for their often delayed mode of transportation.
Right 50 I walked out into the main ball on my way to my next connection. I saw a young woman leave something next to a sleeping homeless man. I was 51 and I wondered if she had put some money there, Instead, I saw a sandwich between the bench he was sleeping on and his blanket.What made this moment so 52 to me was that it was done anonymously(匿名地), and that it was not about 53 , but to help a homeless person and make his life just a little more bearable.
This made me 54 how it really is the smallest thing that can make a difference. I can't help but wooder about all the other little acts of kindness that happen every day and go 55 . And what n gift it is w hea you get to witness them.
41. A. impression B. regret C. hardship D. suffering
42. A. say B. keep C. rcad D. make
43. A. life B. belief C. idea D. presents
44. A. puts up B. keeps up C. lights up D. brings up
45. A. heard B. witnessed C. told D. shared
46. A. best B. worst C. confidence D. honcsty
47. A. For all B、At all C. After all D. In all
48、A. lean B. swing C. jump D. rush
49、A. impaticnce B. carelessness C. convenience D. direction
50. A. because B. as C. whilc D. since
51. A. shy B、worried C. curious D. scared
52. A. clear B. touching C. deep D. disappointing
53. A. support B. pricc C. pity D. recognition
54. A. reflect on B. put on C. take on D. decide on
55. A. unpunished B. uncoticed C. unchallenged D. undeserved
第二节 语法填空 (共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
The popularity of Chinese video-sharing social networking service TikTok continues to grow among young people in the United States, especially teens and young adults.
The service lets users create and share short videos, many of 56 are within 15 seconds. The TikTok app offers a wide choice of sounds, brief parts of songs and special effects tools 57 (produce)a video、Videos often include popular songs from famous 58 (artist) and TikTok has even helped begin the carcers of new music stars.
TikTok 59 (consider) a competitor to video-sharing app Snapchat, as well as Faccbook's Lastagram Mervice. Saapchat and Instagrum al vo mainly interest young users with photos and videos centered 60 (large) on fashion, pop culture and humor.
Lau year , TikTok was the 61 (two) most downloaded app from Apple and Google stores. Only Whatxapp was downloaded more. 62 was said that people have downloaded the TikTok app 1.65bilision turns
While TikTok has contiaued to grow, some experts and parents have expressed concern s about videos 63 (appear) on TikTok that might be 64 (harm) to young users. For this reason, they urge parents to monitor what their children watch on TikTok and suggest that only those over 16 should have access 65 the service.
第四部分 写作(满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
假定你是李华,你校近期将举行一场关于“节约粮食,减少浪费(Save Food zod Redoce Waste Campaign)”的讲座。 请给你校美国交换生John写一封邮件, 邀请他一同或往。 内容包括:
1.讲座时间、 地点;
注意:1. 写作词数应为 80字左右:
2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear John,
Li Hun
阅读下面短文, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Mike and his younger brother Jim grew up in a poor neighborhood . Their mother was very sick and their father was struggJing to find a job, and they had only a little money with which to bay food. As they had not puid the rent for several months, the landlord was breathing down their necks.
One day. Mike took Jim's shoes to a shoe repairmann to be fixcd, but be lost them on the way home.It wasn't until be go! home that he realized be had lost the shoes. He was afraid that his parents would be angry and dissppointed, so be begged his brother to keep it secret. Jim agroed and the two decided to share Mike's running sboes. Jim's school hours were in the morning, so he would wear them first. After school, be would rush back and give them to Mike. Mike could then run to his school, which began in the afternoon. Although be ra n as fast as he could, Mike often arrived late and was warned by the school
Mike he ard about a long distance raco that was beld for the boys in the city. When be learned that the third price was a new pair of shoes, he decided to take part. He ra n home excitedly and promised his brother that be would win him the new shocs.
The day of the roce arrived, Mike had a strong start, but halfway through the race he began to get tired and his legs began to ache. Getting more and more exhausted he thought only of Jim and his promise to him. Dreaming of the new shoes be would win for his brother gave him strength. and be stayed night behind the two fastest runners, determined to finish third. Suddenly, as the finish line drew ncar, another runner collided(碰撞) with Mike from behind and be crashed to the ground.
1.所续写短文的词数应为 150左右;
2.续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头请已为你写好:
Parugraph 1:Mike lifted his be ad and saw the other boys rushing ahead. Paragraph 2:Fall of delight, Mike walked home quickly.
听力:1-5 CBABA 6-10 ACACA 11-15 CBABB 16-20 CACBC 阅读:21-23 ACD 24-27 CABD 28-31 DDCC 32-35 ACBD 36-40 DEBGF 完形:41-45 ABDCB 46-50 ACDAB 51-55 CBDAB
填词:56. which 57. to produce 58. artists 59.is considered 60. largely
61. second 62. It 63. appearing 64. harmful 65. to
One possible version:
Dear John ,
I am writing to invite you to attend a lecture about Save food and Reduce waste Campaign with me .
The lecture is to be held in our school hall at 2:30 pm next Thursday. It will be given by our headmaster , who will tell us the reasons for launching the campaign as well as the ways to stop wasting food . Besides , he will talk about various activities to be carried out which are aimed at raising students ' awareness of saving . I think the lecture can help us have a better understanding of the campaign and form the habit of saving .
I do hope you can join me . Please write back soon and let me know whether you will come .
Yours ,
Li Hua One possible version:
Mike lifted his head and saw the other boys rushing ahead. Refusing to give up at this point, he jumped to his feet and ran as fast as he could. He dashed across the finish line and won the fourth prize. Thinking he would let his brother down,Mike couldn’t help sobbing. Just then he suddenly heard the announcement from the broadcast that he won the third prize as the runner who collided with Mike was disqualified for breaking the rule. Holding the shoes close to his chest during the award ceremony, Mike felt overjoyed and relieved as he eventually won the shoes for his brother.
Full of delight, Mike walked home quickly. He could not wait to see his brother and share the thrilling news. On his arrival, Mike found Jim was waiting outside. He was really nervous whether his brother had brought him what he was expecting. “Jim, see what I have got for you.” He took the prize out of his bag with his trembling hands. The instant Jim saw the shoes, his face lit up. So thrilled was he that he threw himself at Mike. “Thank you! Mike.” Tears of joy welled up their eyes as they hugged tightly together.
阅读理解 A 篇
【解析】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了中国政府允许无签证的外籍游客可以在中国停留 72 小时,在这 72 小时内,他们不容错过的北京四个旅游目的地。
21.A. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 Also, it’s the largest and most well-preserved wooden palace complex in the world. (而且,它是世界上最大,保存最完好的木质宫殿建筑群)符合题意。故选 A 项。
22.C. 细节理解题。根据第三段中 The Summer Palace was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1998. (1998 年,颐和园被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。)符合题意。故选 C 项。
23.D. 推理判断题。根据第一段中 Traveling to China is no longer a luxury for many foreign passport holders.The Chinese government has permitted a 72- hour visa - free policy that offers access to visitors from 53 countries including the US , France and Austria . Let ' s start with the capital of China , Beijing .
Here ' s a pick of the best in Beijing !(对于很多持有外国护照的人来说,去中国旅游不再是一件奢侈的事。中国政府批准了 72 小时免签政策,允许来自美国、法国和奥地利等 53 个国家的游客入境。) 可推断出,短文是写给要在北京待 3 天的外国护照持有者。符合题意。
故选 D 项。
B 篇
24.C. 细节理解题。根据第二段中 I was so happy with that. 以及 I found myself thanking everyone in the office 我非常开心。我发现自己要感谢办公室里的每一个人,可知当作者看到这个盒子时,她很开心和感激有人偷偷送给她,故选 C 项。
25.A. 推理判断题。根据第三段中 I went over , pointed to the waves , and said ," A couple of hours ago , your chairs were out there ,可知当作者在海滩上时,她让那对夫妇知道了她的所作所为,故选
A 项。
26. B. 词义猜测题。根据第六段中 In our life , people who show their good deeds are always looking for a reward 在我们的生活中,做好事的人总是在寻求回报,and they resent those who don ' t celebrate their generosity 憎恨那些不赞美他们慷慨的人,可知 resent 的意思是怨恨,故选 B 项。
27.D. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中 You ' re loved . You ' re important to someone and it has nothing to do with what you can give in return 你被爱着。你对某人很重要,这与你能给予什么回报无关,可知作者通过文章建议我们要付出而不求回报,故选 D 项。
C 篇
28. D. 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的" But there is something else you can do . And it is free and
easy . Smile !"可知,第一段作者想引出一种可以控制死亡因素的自由、简单的方法-微笑。故选 D 项。
29. D. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的" When we smile , the brain wiring gets altered . The chemicals that are released are more positive ." (当我们微笑时,大脑的线路会发生变化。释放出来的化学物质是更积极的)可知答案为 D 项。
30. C. 细节理解题。由第三段中的" If you are truly in danger , these hormones can help you ."(如果你真的有危险,这些激素能帮助你。)及" However , when you are stressed for a long period , these stress hormones may lead to healthy problems.(但是,当你长时间有压力时,这些激素可能导致健康问题。)故选 C 项。
31. C 主旨大意题。全文围绕”微笑”与“改善心血管状态和对健康的好处”进行阐述,故选 C 项 D 篇
32. A. 推理判断题。根据第四段中的 Importantly, the researchers deliberately did not tell the participants what the devices were useful for. (研究人员故意没有告诉参与人员设备的具体用途。)故选 A 项。 33. C. 理解具体信息。根据第五段中的 But interestingly , few would use the technology for more than one purpose (但是,有趣的是,很少有人会将这项技术用于多个目的。)可知,大多数参与者都只使用设备的某一种用途。故选 C 项。
34. B. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 the prototype lacked some of the functions needed to make it a good tool for a specific role(这个雏形缺少一些使它成为特定角色的好工具所需的功能。)和 The researchers found the need for a second , more tailored step in the design process to make devices specific to particular roles (研究人员发现,在设计过程中需要进一步,更有针对性的步骤,使设备针对特定的角色。)可知, Affective Health 有待改进。故选 B 项。
35. D. 理解主旨大意。本文是一篇有关科技研究的说明文,第一段引出话题,第二段首句即点明文章主题: An international team of researchers from Sweden and the UK have developed an innovative way of interpreting biological signals produced by our skin (来自瑞典和英国的一个国际研究团队研发了一款解释皮肤产生的生物信号的创新方法。)文章接下来介绍了针对此款设备的测试及其存在的缺陷, D 项中的 Biodata 与 biological signals 同义。故选 D 项
36. D。第一句指出,学生在考试前或考试中感到紧张是正常的。如果你怀疑你的孩子是与考试焦虑作斗争的人之一,这里有一些重要的事情可以帮助你控制它。本选项放在第一段句末,结合下文,这句话可以起到承上启下的作用。故选 D 项。
37. E。根据该段的主题句" Focus on time and stress management skills(. 专注于时间和压力管理技能。) 可知,该段建议通过时间管理和压力管理来处理考试焦虑问题。空前句句意为"许多有考试焦虑症的孩子担心他们不能及时完成考试,所以对这些孩子来说,专注于时间管理技能可能会有所帮助。
Winnett 说,与计划者一起规划时间,把大项目分解成小任务可能是一个好方法,介绍了时间管理的技能。所以,空格处和空格后的部分应该说压力管理的技能。 E 选项"压力管理技巧,比如使用压力球也会有所帮助。"正是说的压力管理技巧,符合题意。故选 E 项。
38. B。空格处的句子是该部分的主题句。空后句句意为"患有考试焦虑症的孩子可能会表现出害怕让父母失望。Zeltser 说,父母可能会强化这种恐惧,并建议父母关注其他价值观-例如,尽你最大的努力。父母可以通过告诉孩子努力比每次考试都得高分更重要来重塑这些想法",指出患有考试焦虑症的孩子可能害怕让父母失望,并建议父母告诉孩子努力比得高分更重要。由此可知,空格处的句子应该是建议父母不要过分强调分数。因此 B 选项"避免过分强调好成绩。"符合题意。故选 B 项。
39. G。根据空前句句意"老师可能比家长更早注意到考试焦虑。频繁上厕所或考试时手抖都可能是考试焦虑的迹象,而父母可能永远看不到。"可知,老师可能比家长更清楚孩子是否有考试焦虑的问题,所以,空格处的句子应该说和老师交流对解决孩子考试焦虑的好处。所以, G 选项"和孩子的老师交谈可能是缓解孩子焦虑的好方法。"能够承接上文,符合题意。故选 G 项。
40. F。根据该部分的主题句" Know when to seek professional help .(知道什么时候寻求专业帮助。)" 和空前句句意"如果你已经尝试了所有这些技巧,但似乎没有任何帮助,那就值得去看心理医生了。接受过认知行为疗法等技术培训的治疗师将能够帮助患有特别严重的考试焦虑症的儿童。"可知,如果以上的技巧没有帮助时,就应该寻求专业帮助。故选 F 项
41. A. 句意:我所看到的给我留下了深刻的印象。 leave a deep impression on sb 意为"给某人留下深刻的印象",故选 A 。
42. B. 句意:我会写一篇博客或在笔记本上写日记记下这些事情。Keep a diary 为“写日记” 故选 B 。
43. D. 根据文章倒数第二段最后一句话中提到的 gift 可知,此处指"我把这些善举看作是给我的美好的礼物",故选 D 。
44. C. 句意:那些好人好事照亮了我的精神世界,让我感到开心快乐。 puts up "举起;搭建", keeps up "保持", lights up "照亮", brings up "培养,抚养,提出呕吐",故选 C 。
45. B. 句意:在一个寒冷的早上,我目睹了一件让我很感动的事情。根据下文的 my eye 可知,此处意为"目睹",故选 B 。
46. A. 句意:不是每天都能在火车站感受到人性的美好的。根据下文讲述的事情可知,我在火车站看到了那位女士的善举,那是人性中美好的一面,故选 A 。
47. C. 火车站里面的人行色匆匆,所以不是每天都能在这里感受到人性的美好的。 For all "对所有人来说", At all "(否定句中)根本", After all "毕竟", In all "总共",故选 C 。
48. D. 火车站里,人们行色匆匆,从一个地方匆忙跑到另一个地方,匆忙购买东西,故选 D 。
49. A. 在火车站里面人们不耐烦地等待他们经常延误的交通方式,故选 A 。
50. B. 此处意为"正当我走出大厅去下一站的路上……",故选 B 。
51. C . 根据后面的 I wondered if she ...可知,我很好奇。故选 C 。
52. B. 根据第二段第一句话中的.… brought a tear to my eye 可知,这件事让我很感动,故选 B 。 53. D. 根据空格前一句话可知,这件善事是匿名做的,所以不是为了得到认可,而是为了帮助一个无家可归的人,让他的生活稍微好一点,故选 D 。
54. A. 句意:这件事让我开始思考,即使很小的事情,也能带来改变。 put on "穿上", take on "承担;呈现", decide on "选定",故选 A 。
55. B. 句意:我不禁对那些每天发生却被忽视的小善举感到好奇。 unnoticed "被忽视;没有被注意到". unpunished "未受惩罚", unchallenged "不受挑战的", undeserved "不应得的",故选 B 。
【解析】本文是说明文。介绍抖音在美国也越来越受欢迎,以及人们对使用它的担心和建议。 56. Which. 考查关系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,which 指代前面的 videos, 作介词 of 的宾语。
57. to produce. 考查非谓语动词。此处动词不定式表目的。
58. artists. 考查可数名词的复数。根据前面的 songs 判断使用复数。
59. is considered. 考查谓语动词的时态和语态。根据上下文的时态,判断用一般现在时,并表被动。
60. largely. 考查副词。设空处作状语。
61. second. 考查序数词。
62. It. 考查代词。It was said that “据说...”It 作形式主语。
63. appearing. 考查非谓语动词。设空处作后置定语,修饰 videos。
64. harmful. 考查形容词。be harmful to ...“对...有害...”。
65. to. 考查介词。 have access to ....“有使用.....的机会...”。
Text 1
W: What time do schools in your country start every day M:Usually,elementary schools start at 8: 15 a.m., and high schools at 8:30 a. m. , but students can take early classes.For example , our school band meets at 7:30 a.m.
Text 2
M:Have you heard about Henry He's in the emergency room!
W:Yes. I heard he was driving very fast again.He's received several warnings for speeding, but he never will slow down.
Text 3
W:Would you take care of your parents when they grow old
M:My wife and I are doing that now.We have to take care of both of our parents and we still have children at home.
Text 4
M:I went to a really cool museum with my class yesterday.
W:Really You mean the Nature Museum
M:No,it was the Science Museum.There was a display all about robots. We were supposed to go to the Ant Museum, but that got canceled so we did this instead.
Text 5
W:Good evening! Can I help you
M:I'd like something nice to eat. Do you have anything you'd recommend
W:We have dumplings, noodles and fried rice.Which do you prefer M.Fried rice with eggs and tomatoes,please.
Text 6
M:Good morning,Ann.
W:Good morning,Mr Jones.
M:How about a cup of coffee
W:I will make it now.
M: And can you tell me what meetings I have this week
W:I will bring the diary. Okay, this afternoon you have a meeting with your accountant at 5 p. m. On Wednesday , you are going to London. Don't forget your train leaves at 9:30 a.m.
M:Okay,what time is my meeting in London
W:At 11: 30 a. m. And on Thursday Ms.Vonn wants to talk to you.
Text 7
W:What do you do for a living
M:I'm a journalist.
W:Really I have great respect for you guys. Do you work for a newspaper or a television channel M:I work for an online news agency.
W:Great. When I was in college,I was keen on becoming a journalist, but my parents didn't support me. They felt that journalism was a risky field to be in, though they are well-paid and do a lot of travelling.
M:Yes , journalists have to take a lot of risks and challenges. Sometimes we risk our own lives in our quest to find the truth.But the satisfaction we get is huge. Actually, that's what keeps us in this job. w:You are right. Job satisfaction is far more important than job safety.
Text 8
M:Do you have any bad habits
W:Yes,I smoke. "I really want to quit, but I can't.
M:"I used to smoke, too. But I used a quit-smoking program. It worked really well for me.
W:"Really What did you do
M:"I drank grapefruit juice and then brushed my teeth. That would make a cigarette taste terrible. I also made sure I ate a good breakfast and didn't drink coffee or tea.
W:Why didn't you drink those things
M:Because I always smoked after I drank coffee or tea, so I decided to stop.
W:That would be hard for me. I really want to quit, but I don't think I can do it alone.
M:If you want, I can help you quit.
W: I would appreciate that.
Text 9
M:Hi Diana. I see you're coming out to California in October. Are you coming to stay with us in Monterey
W:Yes. We can't wait to see you and Joan.Steve and I have decided to spend three weeks in California. We're flying into San Francisco and then flying back to London from Los Angeles.
M:So are you going to rent a car or take the train
W:We'd spend three days in San Francisco,and then hire a car. We'll drive to visit you in Monterey for a few days, and then head south toward Los Angeles.
M:When are you arriving
W:October the seventh. I think it's a Wednesday.And what will the weather be like
M:It's normally about 70 degrees , sorry , that's 20 degrees Celsius in your language!
W:Great, so we can go to the beach
M: Absolutely. Here you can go practically all year round!
W:I'm so excited. "If we could stay for four nights from the seventh, that would be just great. M: You're booked in. Just give me a ring when you set off from San Francisco. Anyway, enough about the travel plans. Tell me how things are back in London...
Text 10
World Environment Day , celebrated each year on the 5th of June , is one of the main instruments through which the United Nations encourages worldwide awareness of the environment and strengthens political attention and action.
World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.The first international celebrations of World Environment Day were held in Nairobi, Kenya in 1987."And the first theme of World Environment Day was“Only One Earth".It was chosen in 1974.
World Environment Day can be celebrated in many ways, including street rallies, bicycle parades, green concerts, essay and poster competitions in schools ,tree planting , recycling efforts, clean-up campaigns, and much more.
Heads of State,Prime Ministers and Ministers of Environment deliver statements and commit themselves to care for the earth.More serious promises are made which lead to the establishment of permanent governmental structures dealing with environmental management and economic planning.This ceremony also provides an opportunity to sign or approve international environmental conventions.
